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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

And all through the house

I would like to say not even a mouse is stirring, but it couldn't be further from the truth. As it is the ultimate night in the US, I'm still busy packing, repacking, and generally having an "eventful" night. Nails are being bitten ( mostly my mothers), but I'm too excited to feel nervous. Do the Finnish even have a word for being nervous, ah here it is hermostunut, I'll try to remember that one. And on an related note I probably should pack some more long sleeve shirts.


  1. Hello Dan,

    I shared your blog with Senior English classes yesterday. We are all looking forward to reading about your experience.
    Mr. Dodd

  2. Hi Dan,

    It was nice to have ya'll over for dinner last night. Hope you made it to Lahti in time to catch the start of the ski competition.

    Do you know that the title of your blog ''Maali ja niiden ympäristö'' means ''Goal and their environment''. The funny thing is that the same word, maali also means paint, so it could also be translated ''Paint and their surroundings''.

    Suomalaiset ja heidän ympäristönsä would be the correct translation for ''The Finnish and their environment''

    Google translator is tricky that way.

    Here's a fashion blog of my neighbour translated into English by Google, check it out and you'll see what i mean (some killer Finnish styles there too):|en&u=

    Hope you all have an awesome week here,

  3. Ps. I realize how you got the ''Maali'' (made the goal?) in the title: You translated finish (as in the finish line or in Finnish maali viiva) instead of Finnish.

    BTW, that's ironic it should be a one letter diference: There's a bunch of Finnish words where just one letter makes a difference (tuuli=wind, tuli=fire, tulli=customs service; tiili=brick, tili=acccount, tilli=dill etc.)

